Tea in the Wild Series

Tea in the Wild Series

In 2021, Sheryl LeBlanc asked me if I’d like to be her partner for the Oregon Region SAQA Synergy Project. I was both thrilled and nervous. Sheryl had an idea for a series she’d long been thinking about. After we spoke awhile, I was excited. Her plan was to focus on tea in her garden while my was to focus on Tea in the Wild.

To me, Tea is primarily Camellia sinensis, but herbal tisanes or infusions are included in my definition of Tea Plants. In the wild, there are so, so many plants who offer us good medicine. I wanted to explore the worlds and medicines of Tea Plants.

For my part, I aimed to push some of my art skills through this series. I have included my own hand-dyed fabrics in each piece, which has helped me to improve my ability to create fabrics in the colors and textures I’m aiming for. I’ve drawn many of my own templates and used a variety of tools to add my own mark to the surfaces of these pieces. I’ve explored new construction techniques, including foundation-up construction on a long-arm quilting machine as well as free motion piecing on a domestic sewing machine.

As my collection of Tea in the Wild pieces expands, I’m excited to see how my skills grow. Tea is good, no matter how it enters your life!



American 2024, detail 1

America 2024

America 2024 arose out of a moment of recognition that we are all one, despite the ideas that seem to divide us. It doesn’t matter

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