Goldfish Dreams


Of what do Goldfish dream? What about the flowers that make the shore their home?

Land, waves, sun, sensual joy. Goldfish dreams have to be filled with all these.

Warmth, wind, salty ocean brine and Love. Flowers must dream of these.

The flash of golden scales, a hint of sweet perfume amid salty passion, Pink and yellow and green dancing under golden rays. Cool water lapping against my shins. Those are my dreams.

  • Materials: Hand-dyed cotton, cotton-polyester thread.
  • Series: NA
  • Size: 15.5 inches x 15.5 inches (40 cm x 40 cm)
  • Completed: 2023
  • Current location: New Zone Gallery, $69 contact gallery to purchase
Goldfish Dreams by Candace Hunter
Goldfish Dreams

My Thoughts on the Work

Goldfish Dreams began with a Start in January 2022, much like Falling. It sat for more than a year in my Starts box until I was ready to experiment with a really fine thread.

The thread was a challenge. I let thoughts of fish guide my hands as I slowly, ever so slowly, stitched. The thing with that fine thread is you gotta go slow if you don’t want it to break.

Broken thread, like a broken train of thought, is aggravating. I had a lot of them as I worked on Falling. Goldfish Dreams was slower and more thoughtful. I needed that. Like the fish, I needed time to swim in the oceans of my inner world to get my mind right again. Life has a way of swimming along rapidly if you don’t make space for a little eddying and dreaming.

Goldfish Dreams, detail 2



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