Tonight, detail 1

Tonight, the crescent moon shines deep in the hills. Rose and I are letting our hearts mend. The quiet of the dark sky, stars shining, brings solace to us after our struggles bringing our dreams to fruition. We shall renew with the season just as the moon grows full once again. Tonight, we are one, Rose and I.

  • Size: 28 inches x 42 inches (71 cm x 107 cm)
  • Materials: Hand-dyed cotton, cotton-polyester thread, beads, buttons.
  • Completed: 2023
  • Series: NA
  • Current location: New Zone Gallery, $265 contact gallery to purchase

Tonight, by Candace Hunter

My Thoughts on the Work

Tonight began as a study for a piece I’d been thinking about building for the better part of 2023. I wanted to capture the essence of Rose hips. I was aiming for a wintery scene in the Pacific Northwest, where we get very little snow except at higher elevations. I chose a night setting partly to better show off the rose hips and partly because rose hips, at least to me, have a quiet and still feel about them. They are the fruit of Rose’s efforts for the year. All those beautiful blooms open solely to become hips. Hips, in turn, beckon to wildlife in the winter, offering densely packed nutrition in time when good food is harder to find. Rose hips offer support just when it’s most needed, helping animals get through the sparse period of the year and in return sending their seeds far and wide to hopefully take root in fresh, fertile ground elsewhere. Tonight is about the beauty of that story.

Tonight, detail 2



American 2024, detail 1

America 2024

America 2024 arose out of a moment of recognition that we are all one, despite the ideas that seem to divide us. It doesn’t matter

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