Break on Through

Break on Through, detail 1

The Veil mostly keeps us anchored solidly in our own world. But, occasionally, it’ll part for you. It’s far more ephemeral than it looks.

For one fleeting moment, it’s as if you might, with a mere step or two, embark upon a grand adventure of an otherworldly sort.

I say, this is one of the greatest adventures you can take. If The Veil parts for you, Break on Through to the Other Side.

  • Size: 27.5 inches x 36 inches (70 cm x 91 cm)
  • Materials: Hand-dyed cotton, cotton-polyester thread.
  • Completed: 2022
  • Series: NA
  • Current location: New Zone Gallery, $350 contact gallery to purchase
Break on Through by Candace Hunter
Break on Through

My Thoughts on the Work

Break on Through began with a conversation with Sheryl LeBlanc about the Veil before Pandemic.

I played with it in sketches and musings and eventually in Faerie Lands Await. It took me awhile to find the right expression of what it’s like to see that momentary break in the Veil. It’s fleeting, and yet it’s so very concrete. It feels like that song by The Doors; if you move just right, you could step right through to the other side.

Break on Through, detail 2 Break on Through, detail 3



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