Crack Open: Renewal Series


Crack Open.

There’s Fire within.

That’s the heart of Renewal. Fire, Breaking into the world. When we tend the seeds of our lives well, they crack open, releasing so much stored potential. That potential becomes the garden of our personal Eden.

If you want to renew yourself, Crack open.

Tap into the fire within.

  • Materials: Hand-dyed cotton, cotton-polyester thread.
  • Series: Renewal
  • Size: 23 inches x 23 inches (58 cm x x58 cm)
  • Completed: 2023
  • Current location: Private Collection

My Thoughts on the Work

The pieces for Crack Open spent a long time on my design wall. I saw the earthy ground straight away, and I had the sense of spring and garden. But, it took time for the seeds to germinate. I needed to let the images soak deeper into my creative mind before I could see the potential in them.

That’s how life is, really. When you let ideas germinate long enough, they’ll usually amass a storehouse of potential. That energy becomes a fire that helps you manifest their reality. When you take the first step, you can imagine what will be even before it has begun to take shape. It’s like the fire in your heart mixes with the thoughts in your mind before it bursts through your hands to shape the world around you. You must tend it with care, giving the idea just enough emotional energy to feed it but not so much you drown the project before it’s taken root.

That’s what Crack Open is really about: The point in Renewal when you can see the newness ready to take form and you can finally take action is when you’re ready to Crack Open.



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