Fly Home to Me


Fly Home to Me, My Love.

I would move Heaven and Earth to reach you.

That is the call of one mate to another. The sound of true love is the honking you hear overhead when the geese fly.

Geese mate for life. They give their whole hearts to one another. Their souls entwine, dancing through earth, air, and water with the pure magic of Love. No element will stop a Gander from finding his Goose or a Goose from finding her Gander.

Even death cannot truly part true love. They will find one another in the Great Beyond.

This is the promise my Gander made before he parted.

Now, I wait for him to

Fly Home to Me.

  • Materials: Cotton, cotton-polyester thread, dye.
  • Series: NA
  • Size: 25 inches x 28.5 inches (63 cm x 72 cm)
  • Completed: 2023
  • Current location: Private Collection
Fly Home To Me

My Thoughts on the Work

This piece was inspired by the Ganders in my life. They’ve each been strong and clear in their devotion. I thought a lot about how Ganders approach life – full of curiosity and joy with a strong sense of family, partnership, and loyalty. Ganders are as protective as they are adventurous in nature.

This piece is at least in part about that joyful, playful nature as I’ve experienced it. It’s also about the focus Geese have on partnership. I wanted to celebrate the air element and its balancing partner, earth element here. The two elements seem to be absolute opposites, and yet they come together to create so much of the natural world we count on to sustain ourselves and our families. Fly Home to Me is as much about the love that draws partners together as it is about the love that sustains and nourishes.



American 2024, detail 1

America 2024

America 2024 arose out of a moment of recognition that we are all one, despite the ideas that seem to divide us. It doesn’t matter

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