Seeds I-IV: Renewal Series

Seeds Series Detail

Seeds land where they will, with ideas in mind of how they’ll grow. Sometimes the ground is stable and ready to receive them. Sometimes they gotta take a beat to let the ground settle before they can dig in and get growing. Sometimes the ideas they started off with need a bit of renewal before taking root, and sometimes the ground does, too.

  • Materials: Hand-dyed cotton, cotton-polyester thread.
  • Series: Renewal
  • Size: 16 inches x 19.5 inches (40 cm x 50 cm) each
  • Completed: 2023
  • Current location: New Zone Gallery ($250 each, contact gallery to purchase)

My Thoughts on the Work

As I thought about the process of renewal in my own life, the metaphor of dandelion kept coming up. I’ve noticed how dandelions are expert at finding a place to get started no matter where they land. They have an innate sense of how to renew themselves and their immediate environment. Seeds I-IV is about exploring the ways those seeds do that – find a place to take root then set to work manifesting their own vision within the context of the place they’ve landed. That’s one of the key components to Renewal for us humans, too. We find ourselves in places we might never have gone before holding ideas that may or may not be quite grounded. We dig deep, figure it out, find ways to modify ourselves and our environment. With luck, we, like Dandelion, find what we need to become a Renewed version of ourselves and grow into the next vision of what we can be.

Seeds I by Candace Hunter
Seeds I
Seeds II by Candace Hunter
Seeds II
Seeds III by Candace Hunter
Seeds III
Seeds IV by Candace Hunter
Seeds IV



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