The world is utterly chaotic when you’re a seedling. Wind blows. Rain falls. Light feeds you…but it can also burn your tender leaves.
And the beings all about you! They move and sway and trample and come and go. There’s so much going on.
The directive you got was Sprout, and so you have. Life here is bright and new. If you grow strong, one day you’ll be the one commanding all the little seeds to Sprout!
- Materials: Hand-dyed cotton, cotton-polyester thread.
- Series: Renewal
- Size: 24 inches x 24 inches (61 cm x 61 cm)
- Completed: 2023
- Current location: New Zone Gallery, $127

My Thoughts on the Work
Sprout began with inspiration from The Folk. One, in fact, showed up in one of the pieces I’d cut to audition with this particular background. I was delighted when I saw her eyes sparkling back at me. I gave her time and looked at the pieces for a long while before I committed to the final arrangement for this piece.
Sprout was the first of my Renewal series. It was tough to wrap my head around Renewal. My part of the action so often falls near the end, ushering that which is finished here through the gateway into what’s next. I’m not so much a spiritual Midwife catching the baby as I am a Gatekeeper for Kali. I get to tear stuff down, not so much figure out what to do once the destruction is complete.
But, Renewal is part of the cycle, too. Sprout is my first dip into this new territory.