Our Place: American Village Series
Villages the world over dominate the places where they’re rooted. Humans have settled for so very long in many of them in one form or
Villages the world over dominate the places where they’re rooted. Humans have settled for so very long in many of them in one form or
Have you ever caught yourself on the edge of sleep in that space between dreaming and waking where you can see those strange faces peaking
I watch a lot of British tv. Midsomer Mysteries was one of my favorites, mainly because of how it portrays British culture. I was fascinated
Where does the Boundary between Traditional Quilting and Art Quilting reside? Is it in the first layer beyond the heartwood, a step upon the foundation
Technology dominates life today. We modern humans think this is all brand new; before the computer and cell phone, we like to believe technology wasn’t
A Tree’s Life is about living here in the Pacific Northwest. Roots dig into soil and rock, gripping and stabilizing. Fire flows below the Earth’s
Heka, the Egyptian God of Magic and Medicine, has been a part of the Egyptian pantheon from the very beginning. He’s not one of the
After a long day, sunset over the beach is a welcome respite. Tree and Rock III is about the third phase of life. In our
Bees see the world in a way that’s different than our own. They are drawn to the vibrance of the flowers, a vibrance our human
Tree and Rock II is about the middle passage of life. The Tree is clinging to a small patch of ground amidst a flooded river.
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